
The goal is to reach 1000 food. Eggplants generate 1 food every 10 seconds, so we want to plant as many eggplant seeds as possible. You start with one eggplant seed; feel free to plant it anywhere using right click.

We need some defense for the bugs, which will attack from the direction of the red arrow over the player's head.  So, open the shop by standing near it and pressing E, and buy some Broccoli seeds. Now, after exiting the shop with E, you can select the seed type you want to throw (shown along the bottom) using your scroll wheel or number keys. Now, let's throw some broccoli down in the direction that the bugs are coming with right click, and start the wave with F.

During the wave, eggplants will produce food. This fills up the purple bar at the top and progresses the main objective. Whenever you receive a food, you also receive a seed. Seeds are used to buy new plants in the shop. As you receive more seeds, more plants in the shop will reveal themselves and become purchasable. To buy more of any seed type at any time, select it in the bottom selection wheel and then press Q to order a purchase if you have enough seeds. 

The hoe (swung using left click) is an crucial tool to win. It speeds up plant animations for a brief period on hit, making eggplants produce faster and broccoli fire faster. It also makes plants grow faster. It's recommended to clump your eggplant production together so that it can all be hit with the hoe at once, giving you more food. 

As the top food bar fills up, more and more bugs will attack from more and more directions. Try to win by continuously increasing your eggplant count while also adding advanced defenses around your base. You lose if the bugs attack the central food stash. 

Produce food for humanity! But wait - bugs smell your delicious vegetables...
Credit to jSeo.co.kr for all music and SFX.

  • E to open/close shop
  • Q to buy selected seed type
  • Tab to show plant / bug health !!
  • F to start wave
  • Left Click to swing hoe, speeding up plants and waking them up from sleep
  • Right click to throw selected seed type, planting it

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